
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a difference between the Court of King’s Bench and the Court of Queen’s Bench?

    The only difference is the name; it is the same court. When the reigning monarch is male, it is called the Court of King’s Bench, and when the reigning monarch is female, it is the Court of Queen’s Bench. When Queen Elizabeth II died on September 9, 2022, the court automatically changed its name back to the Court of King’s Bench, which it had not been called since 1952.

  • Where can I find information on court cases and do research for my case?

    CanLII (or The Canadian Legal Information Institute) is a not-for-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII has a free database of legal information, including cases from each province and territory in Canada. You can search court decisions of various levels of court, tribunals, and administrative and regulatory bodies. There are also statutes and regulations available on the website, and legal commentary.

    The Manitoba section of CanLII has court cases from the Manitoba Court of Appeal, Court of King’s Bench, and Provincial Court. There are decisions available from the Manitoba Human Rights Commission, Manitoba Labour Board, Manitoba Securities Commission, Manitoba Health Appeal Board, Labour Arbitration Awards, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Manitoba Discipline Committee, and the Manitoba Law Society Discipline Committee.


    The E.K. Williams Law Library at Robson Hall has a collection of legal resources available to the public. They are located at 224 Dysart Road at the University of Manitoba and can be reached at 204-474-9995.

  • Where can I find information on court fees?

    Court fees are set out on the Manitoba Courts Website:
    Some common fees include $160 to file a Petition for Divorce, including a Central Divorce Registry search, $150 to file a Petition, $35 to file an Answer, $150 for a Notice of Application, and $35 for a Notice of Motion.
  • Where can I obtain court forms for Manitoba?

    Court forms can be obtained at the Law Courts Building at 408 York Avenue in Winnipeg or online at: