Public Legal Education Award 2024

CLEA will present its Public Legal Education Award at a reception this fall.

Nomination closing date:  September 30, 2024.

Past Recipients:  2013 – Roland Penner, Q.C., Darren Klapak, 2015 –Reeh Taylor, Q.C., Gerald McDowell, Debbie Wake, 2016 – David Matas, Diane Dwarka, 2017 – Betty Hopkins, Sandi wagner, 2018 – Len Fishman, Michael Lazar, Wayne Rose, 2019 – Allan Fineblit, K.C.

Who is Eligible:

An individual resident in Manitoba or an organization carrying on business in Manitoba.

Who is not Eligible:

Current board and staff members of Community Legal Education Association and their immediate family.

Public Legal Education Award Criteria

The Public Legal Education Award will be presented to an individual or organization that has demonstrated outstanding achievement in providing public legal education to Manitobans.  The achievement or work may be over an extended period of time or over a shorter period, but of exceptional impact.  Examples of public legal education include presentations, publications, videos, workshops, websites.

The Public Legal Education Awards Committee will use the following criteria:

  • Outstanding achievement in providing public legal education for Manitobans,
  • Look at examples as to how the nominee’s achievements substantially benefited people in Manitoba,
  • Examine the nominee’s work over an extended period or work over a shorter period but of exceptional impact,
  • Consider outstanding achievement above and beyond the call of duty.

Information will be held in confidence.

Click here for the fillable Nomination Form (PDF)

Please submit the attached nomination form and return to:

Community Legal Education Association
Public Legal Education Awards Committee
301 – 441 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1B4
fax:  943-3600